Falta apenas um dia para o início das atividades oficiais da E3 2019, em Los Angeles. A partir deste sábado (7), com a EA Play, conferências serão realizadas e Directs serão disponibilizadas com vários anúncios novos e novidades dos jogos mais esperados.
Nesta sexta-feira (7), a Torre de Controle proporciona um panorama e apresenta uma lista com todos os jogos confirmados para aparecerem na E3 2019.
Jogo |
Plataformas |
Aground |
PC |
Anthem |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Apex Legends |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Ary and the Secret of Seasons |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Battlefield V |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Battlechasers: Nightwar |
iOS, Google Play |
Baulder’s Gate 3 |
PC, Stadia |
Bear With Me: The Lost Robots |
PC |
Bee Simulator |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Black Desert Online |
PC, Xbox One |
Borderlands 3 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4, Stadia |
Boyfriend Dungeon |
PC |
Catherine: Full Body |
PS4 |
Cosmic Defenders |
Switch |
Cyberpunk 2077 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Darksiders Genesis |
PC, Xbox One, Switch, PS4, Stadia |
Dicey Dungeons |
PC |
The Division 2 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4, Stadia |
Don’t Even Think |
PC, PS4 |
Doom Eternal |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4, Stadia |
Dying Light 2 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
El Hijo |
PC, Xbox One, PS4, Switch |
Evil Genius 2 |
PC |
Farmer’s Dynasty |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
FIFA 20 |
Xbox One, PS4, TBA |
Final Fantasy XIV – Shadowbringers |
PC, PS4 |
The Fisherman – Fishing Planet |
Xbox One, PS4 |
Fortnite |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4, iOS, Android |
For Honor |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Gears 5 |
PC, Xbox One |
Ghost Recon Breakpoint |
PC, Xbox One, PS4, Stadia |
Grandia HD Collection |
PC, Xbox One, Switch, PS4 |
Greedfall |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Stadia, TBA |
Harvest Moon: Mad Dash |
Switch, PS4 |
Halo Infinite |
PC, Xbox One |
Keen |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Killer Queen Black |
PC, Switch |
Knife Sisters |
PC |
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening |
Switch |
Lemnis Gate |
Lost Words: Beyond the Page |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Luigi’s Mansion 3 |
Switch |
Madden NFL 20 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Marvel’s Avengers |
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order |
Switch |
Monster Hunter World: Iceborn |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Overpass |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Planet Zoo |
PC |
Pokemon Sword and Shield |
Switch |
Psychonauts |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Rainbow Six Siege |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Rage Realm |
iOS/Android |
Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure |
Switch, PS4 |
Relic Hunters |
The RiftBreaker |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Rocket Arena |
PC, Xbox One |
Scavengers |
Skatebird |
PC |
The Sims 4 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
The Sinking City |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Sniper Elite VR |
PS4, PC |
Splatoon 2 |
Switch |
Spitlings |
PC, Xbox One, PS4, Switch |
Super Buckyball Tournament |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Super Crush KO |
PC, Switch |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate |
Switch |
Through the Darkest of Times |
PC |
Too Many Cooks |
iOS/Android |
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4, |
Starstruck |
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Stranger Things 3: The Game |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Super Mario Marker 2 |
Switch |
Trails of Cold Steel III |
PS4 |
Watch Dogs Legion |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Wasteland 3 |
PC, Xbox One, PS4 |
Wave Break |
PC |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood |
PC, Consoles TBA |
WRC 8 |
PC, Switch, Xbox One, PS4 |
Yokai Kitchen |
iOS/Android |
A E3 2019 terá atividades iniciadas oficialmente neste sábado (8), com transmissão da EA Play, a partir das 13h, pelo horário de Brasília.
No domingo, dia 9 de junho, serão realizadas as conferências da Microsoft (17h) e Bethesda (21h30).
Na segunda-feira, dia 10 de junho, as conferências a serem realizadas em Los Angeles serão da Ubisoft (17h) e Square Enix (22h), além de eventos paralelos como a PC Gaming Show (14h).
Por fim, na terça-feira, dia 11 de junho, ocorrerá a transmissão do Nintendo Direct (13h), dedicado à E3 2019.
Todas as conferências transmissão ao vivo da Torre de Controle no Mixer.